LOL!stupid la this description dunno real or fake i ate ice cream and ate the oyster no feel also xD!

damn stupid la LIMITED CHOCOLATE COOKIES 2 pcs per customer i was like wtf?my uncle called me to tell the fella
UNCLE:go take some more la ask from them only
ME: limited 2 per customer
UNCLE:we have the right la, ask them MORE!till i say stop xD (damn funny la my uncle)
ME: limited 2 per customer
UNCLE:we have the right la, ask them MORE!till i say stop xD (damn funny la my uncle)

man so full this was the first time i went to Jogoya for supper!eat till you drop.even i went to Lemon garden i prefer there it was better than Jogoya d 5+ 10 the government tax CURSE U GOVERNMENT TAX!per head it was like 100++bucks but lucky la damn many the damn voucher to back us up =D!very satisfying and their service okay okay lo.haha StarHill Gallery rocks and i am gonna be going there for clubbing next time woot my mum wanna go c one but then she wanna go home d so no time to go up to see that.super fun super chun.