then my friend vincent my schootmate babi he also another lucky bastard he met misbun sidek lee chong wei's coach at the herbalife company.(eh sei zai vincent if you reading this you better treat me yum cha for helping you promote your herbalife thingy)see misbun pity him have to take pic with vincent i see misbun face like not song vincent and vincent the humsup face LOL!PS:(message to Vincent:Dont like YES like that sei chai!)

It was monday and guess who i met at Sri Petaling...
That's right Mr Lee Chong Wei lol i was so surprised that he was there with his manager.
Damn bloody "takut" la me keep on asking my mum to ask him to take a picture with him.
So I did it wah i got high man when i took picture with him lol =)
by the way i am a newbie in blogging so i hope you guys can teach me more about blogging i wanna let everyone know bout my life.