Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chaotic Cosmos ♥

I'm back by popular demand ! lol

hah! I wish. I'm just updating this blog because Sam to the Thong kept asking me to help update it. So, here I am =]

On a random note, I just baked cookies! Chewy chocolate chip cookies. Yes! you read correctly. I'm baking chocolate chip cookies AGAIN! I can't bring myself to bake an ACTUAL cake because, believe it or not, I am still traumatized by my recent failure in baking a CHEESECAKE.

*scroll down to the blog post before this for pictures*

yeah...THAT'S the "cheesecake". Epic failure. *sigghhh*..Can't believe Sam blogged about it.

(Sei chai Sam Thong, damn embarassing can?!)

Anyway, you can read more about me from MY BLOG. In case you're wondering what kinda random bitch I am.

Toodles for now~


Monday, March 16, 2009


The All Cheesecake Rejects =x
burnt cheese cake anybody?

this Ben Ben is damn horny man OMG hump on the owner LMAO!Samantha i feel damn sad for your damn dog lols giving me that kind of look like Russell Peters saying *click bi leh *click bi leh

this is what i call doggystyle xD!=x 18-SX though (say my name)!

LOL the POOP factor its actually cocoa powder+sugar+milk boil until like that xD and this is the last result sammy likes it though =)(looks like TURD,Ben's behind a.k.a leavings,droppings,leftovers lol)

Today went to Sammy's house to bake cake damn funny lol many affairs like Ben her dog tried to hump her reminds me of Russell Peters lol!shouting (say my name)oh my gawt *click BI LEH BI LEH!LMAO (emily you should see this post lmao!) the way today went to enrol my college settle everything The One Academy 7th May here i come =) paid my fees waiting for orientation now.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Starting College Life~!

Lol this fella my IDOL!

This i took at a supermarket sounds so wrong right xD ATTENTION to EMILY:I bought this for you drink more for your future husband :)

ATTENTION again!:to EMILY you bloodyfool stop spamming bad words in my BLOG this blog is suppose to be entertaining not to teach children bad mouthing so this is rated PG-13(i hope my teachers or aunt or parents wont read this)they would castrate* me if i post this up LOL!

*balls cut off the way i just got my results at that thursday lol i wanna stealth my results so badly man haha erm got A1 la plural xD!dun wan say sahaja those who know jangan bagi tahu if not i go castrate* those who uncover my damn results got 2 9G though DENG!!!ishhh damn dulan one for history and another for accounts haha accounts i dont give a damn bout it when teacher is teaching i slept or ponteng class even dunno where to put DEBIT & CREDIT~!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Fairies and Unicorns ♥

Howdy folks! =]

I'm your guest blogger for the day Samantha"Sammy". Can't use Sam because that name is taken by..well..the owner of this blog.

Sam to the THONG! (did I get your surname right though?)

Okay, that was lame. But I'm just giving life to his damn blog. Sei chai refuse to update. Hmph!

I guess I've just wasted 1 minute of your life because you're reading this AND 1 minute from my own for typing this entry.

oh well, see ya ~

p.s : OMG it is Friday 13th ! !


Sunday, March 8, 2009


YUMMY!i love Italian food lols mushroom risotto xP
this is the magnificent apple crumble topped with whipped cream x)
Japanese Sashimi freshly finished B-)
3 WORDS Lovely, Cute, Adorable x)
Although i am a guy (guys too have sensitive sides) this picture of this baby cough*reminds me when i was a baby!lol hmm...the father is a Canadian and the mother is a Korean imagine of a Malaysian married an Indian this comes out the result!lol

hmm...oh ya shitty event big time event on this coming thursday the day of the JUDGEMENT where our Gods(teachers) will send us to heaven or hell aiya same shit la heaven and hell LOL!that sounds so wrong right?SPM results PUI!sure GG sad case hope that everyone is not nervous.ever head of "touch & go" when i go there to collect my results i sure "Take & GO" so if parents or friends ask for your results there is this famous saying even i used it on my UPSR and PMR say this
1.Ok ok lah*
2.Not so bad la*
3.Got credits lo
4.Dont wan say

* recommended to stealth your results LOL!